Achteruitzichten  Between 1995 and 1998 Nico Bick photographed the view of friends and acquaintances at the back of their houses ('achteruitzichten') in Amsterdam. Without being concerned about the nature of the view, he always photographed in the same more or less objective way the view that the residents see when they look out of their back window. For the outsider, the locations are chosen by 'chance' and spread across the whole city. Old and new houses, tower blocks and town houses, vistas and blind walls are evenly represented. With this series Nico Bick shows us a great number of places that remain hidden for most people. In most cases these are 'leftover spaces', places which were not created as a result of urban design, but that have taken shape from various construction activities going on around them over the course of time. These are also the places on which residents lookout daily and thus, to a certain degree, determine their perception of the city or their experience of their urban environment. The photos of Nico Bick show us, by the creation of a garden, roof terrace, balcony or otherwise, how they have responded to this.