+4℃   +5℃   +4℃   -30℃   +5℃ 
 -50℃   -35℃   -193℃   -80℃   -21℃ 
 +8℃   -24℃   -35℃   -192℃   +4℃ 
 +3℃   -24℃   -35℃   -80℃   -80℃ 
Cold Blood  Blood is generally invisible. Even if our blood boils, we smell blood or we are out for blood, blood is not at the forefront of our minds. These warm-blooded emotions are in strong contrast to the cold and clinical aspects and the analytical and technological complexities associated with collecting and processing blood for medical and pharmaceutical purposes. At the Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation the nature of these activities mean that most are seemingly out of the public eye. Seemingly, because these photographs for Sanquin portray objects that are so common that they are often overlooked. Nevertheless these objects are essential at Sanquin and therefore for everyone whose blood has become visible: refrigerators and freezer installations for storing blood and blood products.